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2022-07-19 23:04:21  天极娱乐网

长城天漠夏季仙境电子音乐节 2017THE GREAT WALL SUMMER Wonderland Electronic Music Festival 2017

长城天漠夏季仙境电子音乐节 2017THE GREAT WALL SUMMER Wonderland Electronic Music Festival 2017 2017-05-29 ? ▼如果在战国时期,我可以作一个匈奴勇士,把你的名字刻在长城的每一块砖上。如果在沙漠。我会流进最后一滴鲜血去滋润你干裂的嘴唇。如果被长城环绕的沙漠里有一片绿洲,我会让你变成爱丽丝梦游仙境。 过期的凤梨罐头,不过期的食欲。过期的底片,不过气的梦想。过期的Play boy,不过期的爱欲。Summer Wonderland用House, techno,Drum N Base,Trap,Goa带给你炎夏里的清凉与快乐。 当天北京著名派对品牌Back2Basics也会在下午3点到8点在泳池旁做他们的show case演出。 另外新的舞台China Calling 正在呼唤你的创作欲。我们会从民间投稿新人中选择出十份mixtape,为中国新音乐人提供一个梦想实现的舞台。7月1日长城天漠Summer Wonderland,带你重回仙境。 ▼Great Wall Summer Wonderland INFODESERT POOL PARTY/ALL NIGHT OUTDOOR FESTIVAL/ CAMPING/ FOOD MARKET/ 5 STAGES/ 40+ OF THE FINEST BEIJING DJS/MANY MORE ATTRACTIONSGreat Wall Summer Wonderland is going to bring you one of the most unique festivals this summer has to offer. Imagine being at a pool party in the desert with the Great Wall as a backdrop then as the day fades away 4 more stages will appear with the well known mystical Wonderland style decorations. Get ready for 40 of Beijing's finest djs to keep you up all night with music ranging from house, techno, drum and bass, trap and Goa. If you do need a rest, camping is encouraged and there will be a food market to fulfill you culinary needs. This one is not to be missed. Time to climb out of the rabbit hole and into the magic land of Summer WonderlandDress code:Wonderland styleMAIN STAGEDARK TWIN/DRAGON ACID/EL-MAR+DANNY/HALF N HALF/HAMOUDEH/HUANG WEIWEI/JULIANA LIMA/OU YANG/PANCAKE LEE+MARIO YU/PUMP SU/RACY V+A.J./TUCOCO/X.L.F./XIAO8Pool STAGE by BACK2BASICALIBERTI/EVA/MEHDI F/NIGLS/JACKSON LEEBASS STAGEJOY GINGER/JUST BEE/LUCY WANG/RADDAM RAS/RADIAX/SPYFI/TSUNAMIENLIGHTENMENT Psy Trance STAGEANAN/BODYSNATCHER/GASSE/SIXEARS/TRIXPHONIC/ZENADOOR1st Round Early Bird第一期早鸟票:80RMB(5.22~5.28)2nd Round Early Bird第二期早鸟票:100RMB(5.29~6.4)3rd Round Early Bird第三期早鸟票:120RMB(6.5~6.11)Presale预售票:160RMB(6.12~6.30)BUS巴士 100RMBAt Door现场:300RMB▼Yoopay(EN)活动易(中文)TIME时间2017.7.01 3pm-6am (3pm-8pm is only pool stage show time 下午3点到8点长城天漠泳池趴时间)BUS巴士Departure time: 11 pm- 2 pm Wudaokou_hua qing jia yuan east gate,and Chaoyang Park North Door. Return:4am&6am/出发时间:11 pm-2 pm 五道口华清家园和朝阳公园南门,返回时间凌晨4点&6点ADDRESS地址DAY DESERT FILM BASE 天漠影视基地HOTLINE热线15611577103 联系人Contact:MadokaCHINA CALLING Stage▼新的舞台Chinese Calling 正在呼唤你的创作欲。我们会从民间投稿新人中选择出十份mixtape,为中国新音乐人提供一个梦想实现的舞台。 If you have a music dream, sending your mixtape to our brand new made stage prepared for New Chinese Musicians. Our stage is calling you! 10 selected final piece of art would be shown on public during our Summer Wonderland. 负责人微信wechat:Tucoco票务销售合作TICKET▼如果你想成为活动推广者和门票售卖者即可获得高额回报相信电音,欢迎你的加入! 添加微信 pancakelee_dabingIf you want to became our promoter or be in charge of selling tickets you will have the possibility to earn a lot of money!! TURST DJ体验中心SCHOOL▼如果你想成为DJ,Party中的Super Star,电子音乐节中的佼佼者,请添加微信:pumpsuIf you want be a DJ,Party super Star,Please add wechat:Pumpsu赞助合作SPONSOR▼如果有意愿赞助我们的音乐节请添加微信 pancakelee_dabing,Sponsor Cooperation Please add wechat:Pancakelee_dabing媒体合作MEDIA▼关于媒体合作事宜请添加微信Mario_super_yu,Media Cooperation Please add Wechat:Mario_super_yu宣传小组PROMOTION▼如果热爱电子音乐音乐文化,你可以参加我们的宣传小组,协助我们宣传音乐节,让你亲身体验音乐节的筹备,策划,宣传和组织事宜,有意者可以联系我们If you love electro music and its culture, you can be part of our marketing team and will be able to experience all the things behind this kind of event. 有意者可以添加微信:pancakelee_dabingPlease add wechat:Pancakelee_dabing艺人经济BOOKING▼关于艺人经济事宜请添加微信:menlingcao,DJ Booking Please add Wechat:menlingcao





